10 Cheapest Countries To Live or Retire 2020

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10 Cheapest Countries To Live or Retire 2020

10 Cheapest Countries To Live or Retire 2020
Today I am sharing in this article  10 Cheapest Countries To Live or Retire 2020 in the world.

10 Cheapest Countries To Live or Retire 2020

we're looking at the cheapest countries for Americans or really anyone to retire to living in the United States can be expensive for a lot of retirees it's almost undoable on a fixed income alone many retirees have part-time jobs just to make ends meet they don't have the income for those extra luxuries like I don't know not getting up at 6:00 a.m to be a Walmart greeter spending your golden years squeaking by is not a good time the average monthly cost for Americans over the age of 60 is $3,500 a month that is the average please take that into consideration before you view stop exit to this page besides all the day-to-day expenses health care costs are soaring and they're showing no sign of slowing down then when you figure Social Security is looking iffy at best lately starts making living elsewhere look more attractive every single day what are retirees looking for they're looking for a low cost of living and safety doesn't matter how cheap it is if there's a good chance you're going to be killed right.

Okay, all right so let's take a look and see who's got safety and a low cost of living number.

10. Uruguay living in Uruguay is not war the conservative types this South American country has laws that would make you think that the entire government is run by a bunch of people from Portland Oregon it has a functional political system with very little corruption highly educated population and progressive LGBTQ laws marijuana is legal to grow possess for personal use and the public transit is solid in the capital city of Montevideo you really won't need a car here the wine and soccer always going on here the weather is nice with the warm temperate climate and it never gets below freezing during the winter ever Uruguay has a stable economy and almost no inequality or violent crime this is like a hippie town it's like one giant love fest where everyone's equal and happy and they all love each other your goo is considered one of the happiest countries and it has a low cost of living I wonder if those two have anything to do with each other you can also own a really nice apartment in the capital city for under 175,000 and if you go outside the capital cities or any of the few cities they have into the you know smaller towns you can get a nice house with some property for under a hundred thousand dollars, Here is the 10th Cheapest Countries To Live or Retire.

10 Cheapest Countries To Live or Retire 2020

9. Latvia is in northern Europe between Estonia and Lithuania with Russia and Belarus to the east it was part of the Soviet Union until the Republic of Latvia declared full independence on August 21st 1991 while the Russians were dealing with a failed assassination and coup attempt it was like hey look they're distracted let's sneak out since its independence Latvia has been referred to as one of the Baltic states with Estonia and Lithuania Riga is the capital city and almost half the country lives in Riga now here's the deal about this country it gets cold but they have great beer and it's also dirt cheap as an example a nice two-bedroom apartment in Riga will be in the neighborhood of $400 a month now if you want to go top shelf in the city centre you're looking at 1,200 to 2,000 and that's like doorman elevator tenant and stuff you know the places that run about 8 20,000 in New York City yeah utilities are also dirt cheap they'll run you about $65 a month that's during the summer months that we're talking water gas electric all for 65 bucks during the winter probably closer to 110 but still that's all three that's dirt cheap and here's the best part they don't hate Americans so that's good right now in Riga they figure there's about 1200 Americans living there, Here is the 9th Cheapest Countries To Live or Retire.

10 Cheapest Countries To Live or Retire 2020

8. France first things first France is so much more than Paris Paris's like New York City it costs about ten times more to live there than the rest of the country so let's just take them out of the equation why would you want to move here well first of all its France if you like art history wine people cheese and bragging to your friends that you live in France then it's the place for you if you have to work in your retirement having a job isn't terrible here you get five weeks of paid vacation that's standard another thing that's standard 35 hour work weeks none of this forty to sixty hour work weeks like we work here in the United States outside of Paris like I said rent is pretty cheap for a three-bedroom house that looks like something out of a romantic comedy starring Hugh Grant will run you between 700 and $1,000 and utilities will run maybe a hundred and ten a month for all three during the summer and about 160 during the winter like I said for all three I think I pay a hundred and ten just for my water in the house I live in right now the downside of living in France is this you might want to bring a friend the French don't dig Americans too much and you lend a lot of your conversations with screw you too Pierre. Here are the 8th Cheapest Countries To Live or Retire.

10 Cheapest Countries To Live or Retire 2020

7. Slovenia is one of the most beautiful countries in the world it is bordered by Italy to the west Austria to the north Hungary to the Northeast Croatia to the southeast and the Adriatic Sea to the southwest this is also Melania Trump's homeland it's also the homeland of a man named Lu whose wife's been missing for 20 years if anyone asks him where she is he says she just ran to the store and she'll be back 20 minutes and then he giggles see what happens when you fall into that Google Hall of research you learn things you don't need to know sidenote Lu's been known to answer the door wearing lipstick damn you Google damn you Slovenia is gorgeous friendly and cheap if you like hiking walking near Lake mountain biking skiing or just the outdoors in general this is a place you might want to do some research on according to the US News World Report a couple that retires to the resort town of bled slovenia will have a monthly budget of around $1,200 that covers everything that's what you need to come up with every month to live $1,200 well 12:55 to be exact that's not bad and it's beautiful it's like a resort town it's lake skiing it's amazing the major cities aren't anything special in Slovenia but the small cities and towns dotted around the countryside are amazing look into those if you want to jump ship. Here are the 7th Cheapest Countries To Live or Retire.

10 Cheapest Countries To Live or Retire 2020

6. Malaysia living in Malaysia is beautiful and affordable Malaysia always reminds me of malaria almost say it every single time anyway a couple can live here comfortably in Penang with ocean and mountain views for roughly $1,900 a month that is rent on a two-bedroom apartment included in that number the cost of living here is about half that of the US average go out to dinner and have a couple beers you're looking at seven bucks that's with tip this one has gotten popular in the last few years but it's still cheap which is kind of weird normally when it starts getting popular the prices go up now a lot of Americans Canadians and Australians are living here now I read one report that said making twenty six thousand dollars a year is like making sixty thousand dollars in the US if you want to swim in the warm clear ocean water golf hike the slopes of penang hill or just sit and enjoy the sun you can do that just about year-round the weather is nearly perfect you know with rain and the occasional tropical storm you know those things happen but most the year is like swimming weather this is not a bad choice right here especially as cheapest man. Here are the 6th Cheapest Countries To Live or Retire

10 Cheapest Countries To Live or Retire 2020

5. Spain similar to France comes with a disclaimer Barcelona and Madrid don't count and what I'm about to tell you but it is my understanding that if you want to enjoy and fall in love with Spain never go to those two cities and lists for like a quick visit Spain has some of the highest standards of living in the European Union they don't have many run-down places now they have some and I get it but compared to other countries not so much when you start looking at the beaches countryside food wine yeah you could do so much worse with your retirement money all that a low cost of living a stable government relative safety what's not to love a couple can live comfortably for about 2,500 dollars a month in most areas of Spain here's the other cool thing Spain has a golden visa program kind of like that golden ticket from Willy Wonka but you don't get chocolate you get to stay in the country the program makes residency permits easier to obtain for those who spend at least six hundred thousand on property in Spain so that's kind of cool sure you don't get to see Opel Loompas and all that but you get to live in Spain, Here is the 5h Cheapest Countries To Live or Retire.

10 Cheapest Countries To Live or Retire 2020

4. the Czech Republic if you like meat beer and don't want to pay too much for it buy a warm jacket moved the Czech Republic you might want to brush up on your Slavic language though not too many of the locals speak English Prague became a hot spot over ten years ago a new guy that lived there back at 2008-2009 Thiel left because of recession said he was paying like a hundred forty hundred fifty dollars for a one-bedroom apartment in downtown Prague he said once everyone started moving there the rents tripled so he moved out these days that sits around $600 a month outside a downtown Prague downtown it's closer to 2,000 so don't live there it's not worth it the food is still really cheap and utilities will cost you about half of what they cost here in the States on average Prague may be growing a little bit expensive but it still ways off from being considered an expensive place to live Czech Republic is a beautiful place the countryside is amazing if you go outside of Prague like what we would consider the suburbs or small town a there's a lot of angry older people there that scream at you if you drive too fast but the home prices and rent drop drastically, Here are the 4th Cheapest Countries To Live or Retire.

10 Cheapest Countries To Live or Retire 2020

3. Vietnam almost 50 years after the Vietnam War ended Americans again are living in Vietnam sure this time they're wearing sunscreen and carrying canes instead of m16s and this time they're blowing up the economy instead of their huts so it's a better relationship this time I think Vietnam has become the new Florida you can live pretty good for under $2,000 a month that's the house payment food someone to cook the food, someone, to clean up after you've eaten and maybe even kill giant insects that made it inside your home that happens a lot there I just hope those old dudes leave the Speedos in Florida nobody wants to see that I don't care if it's comfortable and legal shouldn't be stopped it. Here are the 3rd Cheapest Countries To Live or Retire.

10 Cheapest Countries To Live or Retire 2020

2. Peru nobody ever thinks about Peru unless you're helping a seventh-grader with their homework or you change the channel to Discovery Channel and they're showing that same documentary about the road of death you know that road that's dirt road in the mountains I got like 500 foot drops and no guardrails thing I've watched that 15 times anyway the capital city of Lima can get expensive but the rest of Peru is what dreams are made of if you show up in some of these towns and buy something that doesn't include an exchange of livestock they'll think you're rich if you own a wallet they'll think you're a celebrity untouched coastline mountains Machu Picchu there is plenty do in Peru that kind of rhymes that could be their new tourist slogan something to do in Peru I gotta call them anyway I don't like that answer my calls a couple could easily live on a budget of less than $2,000 a month in most the areas of the country some areas you could live on $1,000 easily that includes the feeding of the llamas that you may acquire along, Here are the 2nd Cheapest Countries To Live or Retire.

10 Cheapest Countries To Live or Retire 2020

1. Thailand everybody knows Thailand has a low cost living life if I were ever to go out in Bangkok which I never have I'd probably come home and take a bath and hand sanitizer even though the cost of living has gone up in recent years it's still considered dirt cheap by American standards the trick is forget Bangkok exists head north to Chiang Mai for $400 a month you could rent a two-bedroom bungalow with a garden and live happily ever after foods cheap there you can eat for like 4 dollars if you need a house with a private swimming pool that'll set you back about 900 bucks a month there's a large British American and Australian community here so you won't feel totally out of place you could go out here on a Saturday night with friends and 20 bucks and come home with money left over more and more retired people from the United States are calling Chiang Mai their home it's a little overcrowded but it's still a decent City all right. Here are the 1st Cheapest Countries To Live or Retire.

10 Cheapest Countries To Live or Retire 2020

Here are the 10 Cheapest Countries To Live or Retire 2020 I hope This is an informative article to you please share and support this article.

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My name is Vikram Singh, I THANK YOU so much for visit.
Instagram ID _ @vihaanmahur

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